Sunday, July 16, 2017

Repaint Story #4 -- Monster High Ghoulia -- Faceup of a faceup!

Hi Magicians!
This is yet another Monster High repaint story.
This Ghoulia doll was actually my second repaint ever!  But I didn't really like how she turned out at first.
This is her originally- she was in a used doll lot from Ebay and really dirty/sticky.

 It took some serious scrubbing to get her cleaned up!
Look how sparkly her makeup is O_o

As you saw, her hair was a mess, so after softening the vinyl with boiling water I took her head off...

...and gave her a haircut.

After that, her face and scalp paint came off with 100% acetone nail polish remover.

(I apologize for the dark photos - I was working at night.)

My first idea for her was a half-comedy, half-tragedy mask face, like the ones you see in old Greek mosaics.  So, I painted her head half black and half white.

Since this was my first reroot, I didn't want to be experimenting with expensive doll hair.  So, for the black half of her head, I used some cheap curly hair for cloth dolls from the craft store.  The package had just enough!
For the white half, I used hair from a platinum-blonde Halloween wig from Walmart.  I ended up regretting it though, because cheap wig hair is really nasty and it keeps poofing out and getting tangled.  Oh well, I learned my lesson.
At least she looks cool!

I protected her hair with tape and paper towels before painting.

This was my idea for the structure of the mask paint...

And here it is finished.
It looked okay, but I didn't have any Mister Super Clear sealant, so the face was really shiny and sticky and the acrylic paint kept cracking and getting hair stuck in it.  Basically, it was gross. (Plus, she looks kind of mean, even with the happy side!) So, a few months later, I decided to repaint her face again.

The mask comes off with more acetone.  You can also see how the generic sealant yellowed her vinyl face.  I had to correct it with MSC and grey pastels before I could paint.  Lesson learned!

With her hair wrappings on, she looked a little bit like Frodo from LOTR after he got wrapped up by the giant spider!



....and paints!  Yay!  I decided to make the left half of her face look damaged, so I added a crack and paled the eye as if it had been injured.

I really think she looks so much better than she did, and I'm excited because I think I'm improving!

(or maybe it's just beginner's luck?)

Anyway, thank you for reading about her transformation!  As usual, I am indecisive about names.  I think Calysta might fit her; it's a Greek name that means "Beautiful" and it kind of goes with her original Greek drama identity.
As usual, you are welcome to share your ideas!  Hit me up at

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